25.05.2016 to 31.05.2016 - Vienna Shorts Festival
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
VIS Vienna Independent Shorts 2016: FEAR IS NOT AN OPTION
Opening: Wed, May 25, 19:30 @ Gartenbaukino
Orte: Stadtkino im Künstlerhaus, METRO Kinokulturhaus, Filmmuseum, Gartenbaukino
Tickets: <link https: www.viennashorts.com tickets _blank>online
<link https: visnow.tumblr.com what>VIS NOW
At the end of May, the city of Vienna will be much influenced by international films with a length of no more than 30 minutes. More than 300 short films, animations and music videos are going to be screened at Stadtkino im Künstlerhaus, METRO Kinokulturhaus,the Austrian Film Museum and at Gartenbaukino, when VIS Vienna Independent Shorts declares the festival a fear-free zone.
“Fear is not an Option” is the 13th edition’s focus, that couldn’t be more relevant considering the latest attacks in Brussels. VIS 2016 takes the current social and political conditions as its starting point and discusses systemic crises, man-made catastrophies, the pursuit of freedom and hope for a better life in seven curated programmes.
“Triangle programme” in collaboration with the Netherlands and Canada
Fear acts as a bad adviser in times of enclosure and delineation, loss of trust and refusal of solidarity. Together with two partner festivals from the Netherlands and Canada, VIS takes this mood as a starting point for an international discussion in the so-called “triangle programme”, which will screen in all three countries.
The Go Short festival in Nijmegen, one of Europe’s emerging short film festivals, holds its ground facing the political crises and compiles scenarios under the title “Keep your head up”, that tell of a positive debate with conflicts.
The prestigious Festival du nouveau cinéma in Montreal on the other hand takes on lost Utopias of mankind under the title “Utopia and how to get there (or not)”.
Spotlight on Anouk de Clerq in collaboration with sixpackfilm
One of the two spotlights of the festival is dedicated to the Belgian artist Anouk de Clerq. The award-winning filmmaker’s oeuvre is presented and discussed within a special at METRO Kinokulturhaus together with sixpackfilm. Anouk de Clerq explores the audiovisual potential of computer language, in order to create new worlds focusing on their architectural characteristics. This year’s festival sujet features a still from de Clerq’s film “Building”.
<link http: www.viennashorts.com>www.viennashorts.com
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Image: Still from "Nu Renegade" (Zebra Katz x Leila) by Florian Pochlatko