12.05.2016 to 29.05.2016 - MQ Pop-Up Schauraum
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Sira-Zoé Schmid: MARKERS
Opening: Thu, May 12, 19:00
Venue: Jan Arnold Gallery
Admission free
The fading markings of an abandoned school sports field are the starting point for Sira-Zoé Schmid's new series Markers.
In photographs, text works and sculptural objects the Austrian artist examines the functions and mechanisms of social rules and their manifestations.
Own photographs, theoretical literature and research as well as world politics serve her as a basis for her artistic analysis. Through the process of deconstruction and by transferring from one medium to another and from two- into three-dimensionality, Schmid develops a very reduced, almost abstract visual language.
The question of limits, norms and structures in everyday life is broken down into formal, geometrical shapes, opening up a space for varied references.
Curated by Sophie Haslinger
<link http: www.janarnoldgallery.com>www.janarnoldgallery.com
<link http: www.sira-zoe-schmid.com>www.sira-zoe-schmid.com
Image: Sira-Zoé Schmid