01.04.2016 to 15.05.2016 - TONSPUR_display
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Adam Donovan (AUS): Terra Aura

<link https: www.facebook.com events>Opening: Fri, Apr 01, 19:00
Venue: ARTISTIC BOKEH, Electric Avenue
Admission free
Australian media artist Adam Donovan presents his ongoing project ‘Terra Aura’ developed during his Q21 residency with the Research Institute for Arts & Technology.
On display at ARTISTIC BOKEH is a prototype model of the large sound beacon Donovan is installing in the Australian desert.
This speculative device uses the principle of atmospheric reflections to amplify the phenomena of the ’strange sounds in sky’. The device tunes into the atmospheric songs of the Earth’s aura to perform a machine-mediated duet between artist and sky, a sorrowful swan song as the ground beneath us begins to burn.
Adam Donovan is supported by Austria Australia Arts.
Exhibition curated by Andrew Newman.
Image: © Adam Donovan
<link http: www.artisitcbokeh.com>www.artisitcbokeh.com