17.12.2015 to 20.01.2016
Mr. Penfold: Memory Bank

Opening: Thu, Dec 17, 18:00
Location: Jan Arnold Gallery
Admission free
For his exhibition at Jan Arnold Gallery British street artist and muralist Mr. Penfold will show a series of paintings that are constructed with collections of images and symbols that he will absorb during his stay in Vienna. He takes a walk every morning and notes down certain things that catches his eye, it could be a pack of playing cards, it could be a lamp post...
Using this bank of images he produces a series of paintings inspired and fromed by these influences of Vienna.
The artist is also commissioned to contribute a piece for the #Streetartpassage in Viennese MuseumsQuartier during his month-long stay as an Artist-in-Residence of Q21 (MuseumsQuartier Vienna) as well as a screen print in cooperation with Perfekt Prints.
Curator: Sebastian Schager
<link http: www.mrpenfold.com>www.mrpenfold.com
instagram: @mrpenfold
Twitter: @misterpenfold
<link http: perfektprints.tumblr.com>perfektprints.tumblr.com