08.07.2015 to 31.08.2015 - ASIFAKEIL
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Lei Lei (CHN): Reading. Video loops: Books on books no.1 - no.5

Opening: Wed, Jul 08, 19:00
Location: ASIFAKEIL, Electric Avenue
Admission free
"The cutout patterns are from my father’s book ”Book cover collection in the West“, which was published in 1988.
Driven by the idea of 'revisiting through returning', beginning in May 2013, I have been collecting, cutting out and collaging those book cover prints from the 'Book cover collection in the West' back on to Western secondhand books that I acquired over the years."
- Lei Lei, Artist-in-Residence empfohlen von VIS Vienna Independent Shorts und ASIFA Austria
<link http: www.asifa.at>www.asifa.at
<link http: www.raydesign.cn>www.raydesign.cn
Image: © Lei Lei