09.04.2015 to 30.05.2015 - ASIFAKEIL, Raum D / Q21
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Madi Piller (CAN): Film on FILM

Presentation: Wed, Apr 29, 19:00, Raum D / quartier21
Exhibition: ASIFAKEIL, Electric Avenue
Admission free
Abstract exploration of 35mm film through macro photography shot on Super 8 mm. The experimental animated film reflects on the film materiality and imagery that surfaces from emulsion manipulations.
This is created by hand painting layers on 35 mm film, optical printing and hand manipulation of film emulsion. The resulting image transposed on acetate cel was re-animated under a macro view on Super 8 mm through glass reflections.
Madi Piller (CAN) is Artist-in-Residence of quartier21/MQ recommended by ASIFA AUSTRIA in April and May 2015. She will present her works on April 29, 18:30.
Image: © Madi Piller
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opening hours
mo-sun: | 10-22h |