02.02.2015 to 08.02.2015 - Dschungel Wien, Halle E+G, Kunsthalle Wien, Leopold Museum, mumok, MQ Cultural Tenants, Tanzquartier Wien, WIENXTRA-Kinderinfo, ZOOM Kindermuseum
Semester Break at MQ 2015

Semester Break at MQ 2015
Location: MuseumsQuartier Wien
<link http: www.azw.at>Az W
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail igloos-and-other-domes>Igloos and other domes
Part of the Wiener Ferienspiel
For ages 6 to 10
Mon, Feb 2 to Fri, Feb 6, 10:00-12:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail a-to-z-the-world-of-isay-weinfeld>A to Z. The World of Isay Weinfeld
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail a-show>a_show
Permanent exhibition
<link http: dschungelwien.at programm highlights>DSCHUNGEL WIEN
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail theaterworkshop-young-wild-ones>Theaterworkshop: Young Wild Ones I
For ages 6 to 10
Mon, Feb 2 to Wed, Feb 4, 10:00-13:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail theaterworkshop-young-wild-ones-ii>Theaterworkshop: Young Wild Ones II
For ages 10 to 13
Mon, Feb 2 to Fri, Feb 4, 14:00-17:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail johanna>Johanna
Play for ages 13 and up
Fri, Feb 6 & Sat, Feb 7, 19:30
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail a-sheep-for-life-3>A Sheep for Life
Play for ages 6 and up
Sat, Feb 7, 16:30
Sun, Feb 8, 11:00 & 16:30
<link http: www.halleneg.at en calendar-of-events>Halle E+G
<link http: kunsthallewien.at>Kunsthalle Wien
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail opening-the-future-of-memory>The Future of Memory
Exhibition opening
Tue, Feb 3, 19:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail the-future-of-memory-1>The Future of Memory
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail opening-pierre-bismuth-the-curator-the-lawyer-a>Pierre Bismuth. The Curator, the Lawyer and the Psychoanalyst
Exhibition opening
Tue, Feb 3, 19:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail pierre-bismuth-the-curator-the-lawyer-and-the-ps>Pierre Bismuth. The Curator, the Lawyer and the Psychoanalyst
<link http: www.leopoldmuseum.org en>LEOPOLD MUSEUM
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail free-curators-tour-arik-brauer-gesamtkunstwer>Free Curator's Tour "Arik Brauer: Gesamt.Kunst.Werk"
Thu, Feb 5, 18:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail arik-brauer-paints-during-the-exhibition-in-front>Arik Brauer paints during the exhibition in front of an audience
Sun, Feb 8, 10:00-13:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail everything-with-wings-flies-1>Everything With Wings Flies
Kids Atelier for ages 6 to 12
Sun, Feb 8, 14:00-17:00
<link https: www.mumok.at en calendar>mumok
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail art-on-thursday-guided-tours>Art on Thursday
Gallery tour
Thu, Feb 5, 18:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail tea-time-1>Art + Tea
Guided tour & five o'clock tea
Fri, Feb 6, 16:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail straight-through-mumok>Straight Through mumok
Guided tour
Sat, Feb 7 & Sun, Feb 8, 14:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail the-present-of-modernism>The Present of Modernism
<link http: www.quartier21.at en program>quartier21
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail reprap-usergroup-meetup-1>RepRap Usergroup MeetUp
Location: Raum D
Tue, Feb 3, 18:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail andras-szoboszlay-hun-1>András Szoboszlay (HUN)
Location: Combinat
Tue, Feb 3 to Wed, Feb 5, 12:00-19:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail ille-olla-hun-1>Ille-olla (HUN)
Location: Combinat
Tue, Feb 3 to Wed, Feb 5, 12:00-19:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail tours-of-quartier21>Tours of quartier21
Wed, Feb 4, 17:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail jai-mckenzie-aus-never-forever-1>Jai McKenzie (AUS): Never Forever
Location: ARTISTIC BOKEH, Electric Avenue
til Fri, Feb 06, daily 10:00-22:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail josh-harle-aus-tactical-space-lab _blank>
Josh Harle (AUS): Tactical Space Lab
Location: ARTISTIC BOKEH, Electric Avenue
Opening: Sat, Feb 07, 19:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail the-house-of-mankind-1>The House of Mankind
Location: Raum D
daily 10:00-18:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail claustrophobia-cartoons-on-constriction>Claustrophobia - Cartoons on Constriction
Location: Galerie der Komischen Künste
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail den-kompromiss-mit-der-wirklichkeit-muss-ich-erst-1>Den Kompromiss mit der Wirklichkeit muss ich erst noch finden
Location: EIKON Schaufenster, Electric Avenue
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail tonspur-64-arturas-bumsteinas-ltu-walk-throug-1>TONSPUR 64: Arturas Bumsteinas (LTU): Walk Through 2014
Sound installation
Location: TONSPUR_passage
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail create-winter-edition-1>CREATE - WINTER EDITION
Location: Typopassage
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail ox-fra>OX (FRA)
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail simon-h-dream-passage-1>Simon H: DREAM PASSAGE
Location: KABINETT comic passage
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail karl-heinz-stroehle-aut-dancing-star-1>Karl-Heinz Ströhle (AUT): DANCING STAR
Location: SCHAURAUM Angewandte, Electric Avenue
<link http: www.tqw.at en events>Tanzquartier Wien
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail gerhard-eckel-aut-christine-ericsdotter-swe-1>Gerhard Eckel (AUT) / Christine Ericsdotter (SWE) / Alexander Gottfarb (AUT/SWE) / Anna Maria Nowak (POL/AUT) / David Pirrò (ITA): On Traces
Fri, Feb 6 & Sat, Feb 7, 19:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail karl-karner-aut-linda-samaraweerova-czeaut-1>Karl Karner (AUT) / Linda Samaraweerová (CZE/AUT): WÜRFELN
Fri, Feb 6 & Sat, Feb 7, 20:30
<link http: www.kinderinfowien.at>wienXtra-kinderinfo
<link http: www.kindermuseum.at en zoom_programmes zoom_exhibition>ZOOM Kindermuseum
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail lets-print>Let's print!
Exhibition for ages 6 and up
Tue, Feb 3 to Fri, Feb 6, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00 & 16:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail zoom-ocean-5>ZOOM Ocean
For kids from 8 months to 6 years
Tue, Feb 3 to Sun, Feb 8, 10:00, 11:30, 13:00, 14:30 & 16:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail zoom-studio-again-again>Again! Again!
Studio for ages 3 to 12
Tue, Feb 3 to Sun, Feb 8, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00 & 16:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail zoom-animated-film-studio-lab-club-dot-dot-dash>Lab Club: dot dot dash
Web series for ages 8 to 14
Tue, Feb 3 to Sun, Feb 8, 14:00 & 16:00
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail zoom-animated-film-studio-film-and-sound-lab>Film- and Sound Lab
Workshop for ages 8 to 14
Tue, Feb & Wed, Feb 4, 10:00-13:00
(Click headline to switch):
opening hours
mo-tue: | 1 hour before performance |
wed-fri: | Box office 16.30-18.30h |
sat-sun: | 1 hour before performance |
Museumsplatz 1,
Hof 2, 1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43/1/522 07 20 -20