17.11.2014 to 23.11.2014 - MQ Cultural Tenants
quartier21 @ VIENNA ART WEEK 2014

In just a decade, the consistent focus on exciting, cutting edge art discourse has transformed VIENNA ART WEEK from a high-profile network of art experts into an internationally recognized arts festival.
From November 17 to November 23, quartier21 institutions participate in the VIENNA ART WEEK:
<link http: www.quartier21.at en program programmdetail running-mindmap-1 _blank>Running Mindmap
Date: Mon, Nov 17 to Sun, Nov 23, daily 10-22:00
Venue: Electric Avenue
Admission free
An alternative guidance system leads down the Electric Avenue of the quartier21 during the VIENNA ART WEEK 2014.
Concept & realisation: eSeL & Say Say Say, Inc. / quartier21/MQ
Curator-Guided Tour: »PCFS - Post Colonial Flagship Store« with Sven Kalden and Georg Klein
Date: Fri, Nov 21, 15:00
Venue: freiraum quartier21 INTERNATIONAL
Admission free
The exhibition “PCFS: Post-Colonial Flagship Store,” conceived by Sven Kalden and Georg Klein in cooperation with Bernhard Draz and Joachim Seinfeld, deals with structures and methods of a new, covert colonialism in the world. Artistic works from eight countries crop up in a product-world camouflage, creating a concentrated space in which we become aware of past and present phenomena of colonialism and which involves the visitors in an irritating interplay of art and reality in a direct and occasionally confrontational way.
#postcolonial #flagshipstore
<link http: www.pcfs-vienna.com>www.pcfs-vienna.com
<link http: www.quartier21.at en program programmdetail portfolio-presentation-orit-ishay-isr _blank>Portfolio presentation: Orit Ishay (ISR)
Date: Sat, Nov 22, 13:00
Admission free
Studio Visit
Date: Sat, Nov 22, 14:00
Meeting Point: MQ Courtyard 7, Studio 501
Admission free
Studio visit with art historian and curator Lucas Cuturi: Artist-in-Residence programs are a great opportunity to connect international curators, artists and theorists with the local art scene. The guided studio visits give an insight into Vienna’s multifarious art community.
Jesus Christ Super Sale II
Date: Sat, Nov 22, 19:00
Venue: PERFEKT BOX, Electric Avenue
Admission free
Opening of the group exhibition "Jesus Christ Super Sale II".
<link http: www.quartier21.at en program programmdetail electric-minds-19952014-1 _blank>"Electric Minds", 1995/2014
Date: Sun, Nov 23, 17:00
Venue: Station Rose, Electric Avenue
Admission free
Opening of the new installation and Jour Fixe with Elisa Rose and Gary Danner.
<link http: www.stationrose.com>www.stationrose.com
TONSPUR 64: Arturas Bumšteinas (LTU)
Date: Sun, Nov 23, 17:00
Venue: TONSPUR_passage
Admission free
Opening of the sound installation by Artist-in-Residence Arturas Bumšteinas, the artist is present.
<link http: www.tonspur.at>www.tonspur.at
Art & Games feat. Jörg Piringer
Date: Sun, Nov 23, 17:00
Venue: Electric Avenue
Admission free
As part of the common game night organized by Broken Rules, eSeL REZEPTION and ZamSpielen, selected parlour and computer games on a video screen in the Electric Avenue of quartier21 stimulate a personal exploration of digital art and its protagonists.
Besides other “communication offerings with game rules,” media artist and musician Jörg Piringer invites viewers to interact with his sound poetry apps on smartphones and tablets at the eSeL REZEPTION. “Untitled,” another installation by Piringer, transforms the visitors’ sounds and speech into live, abstract visual text compositions.
Image: Faustpfand © Sven Kalden
<link http: www.viennaartweek.at>www.viennaartweek.at