16.08.2014 to 17.08.2014 - MQ Cultural Tenants
TONSPUR_live_open_air_2014: NAISA – New Adventures in Sound Art feat. Anna Friz (CAN): „A Gathering of Canadian Sounds“

Date: Sat, Aug 16 to Sun, Aug 17, 11-17:00
Location: Water basin, Main MQ Courtyard
Admission free
New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA) is a presenter of sound art in Toronto, Canada. Darren Copeland, artistic director of NAISA, curated a program with Canadian sound art works for TONSPUR_live_open_air_2014 that will be presented in a site-specific eight-channel sound structure around the reflecting pool in the Main Courtyard of the MuseumsQuartier Wien. The works are representative of a ten-year presentation period during which NAISA produced sound works involving radio art, sound art, and field recording compositions by artist from all over Canada. Some of these works were produced for the three NAISA festivals “Deep Wireless”, “Sound Travels”, and “SOUNDplay”. In addition to the performance of this program, a Canadian Artist-in-Residence at the quartier21/MQ will create a new piece specially for the unique installation situation in the Main MQ Courtyard.
<link http: www.tonspur.at>www.tonspur.at
<link http: www.naisa.ca>www.naisa.ca
<link http: www.kunstradio.at>www.kunstradio.at
As part of:
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail mq-summer-of-sounds-1 _blank>MQ Summer of Sounds
Image: Hertha Hurnaus