31.08.2014 to 31.08.2014 - Broken Rules, eSeL REZEPTION
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Kunst & zamSpieleN: Sound & Games

Location: Raum D / quartier21
Admission free
As part of the “MQ Summer of Sounds”, the entire Electric Avenue will once again be turned into an open play area for digital and analog games – and an interface to digital artists and their communities. To harmonize with the “MQ Summer of Sounds”, the open event will this time be dedicated to playful ways of generating sound and music.
Bring your own Games!
<link https: www.facebook.com events _blank>Facebook-Event
<link http: www.esel.at>www.esel.at
<link http: brokenrul.es _blank>brokenrul.es
As part of:
<link http: www.mqw.at no_cache programm programmdetail mq-summer-of-sounds _blank>MQ Summer of Sounds
Bild: © Winnie Küchl