06.07.2014 to 06.07.2014 - Literaturpassage
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants

Location: MQ Courtyard 3
Admission free
Contemporary authors read their texts, musicians play alongside the readings, enhancing, accompanying and acting as counterpoint to them. This creates sound spaces from literature and music, crossing genre borders and language barriers to play and improvise together. The result is synesthetic jam sessions that constantly alter the relationship between spaces, stories and sounds, in a live setting.
<link http: www.textfeldsuedost.com sommerloch-literaturfestival>www.textfeldsuedost.com/sommerloch-literaturfestival
As part of:
<link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail mq-summer-of-sounds-1 _blank>MQ Summer of Sounds
Image: textfeldsüdost