12.07.2014 to 12.08.2014
Bault (FRA): Migrants

Opening: Sat, Jul 12, 19:00
Venue: PERFEKT BOX, Electric Avenue
Admission free
Running boats, beheaded seagulls, moray cows and burning houses…
Little stories and large tragedies.
It's far away from home, but it's better in this faraway place.
The waterway is the only one - pray for us.
In cooperation with <link http: www.viennashorts.com _blank>VIS - Vienna Independent Shorts PERFEKT WORLD shows works by French Street Artist Bault, which are being developped during his stay as Artist-in-Residence of quartier21.
Bault started out as an enthusiastic Graffiti Artist and long-term tagger back in 1997 in the South of France. He made his debut in Sète forming the T.K crew, and then met the well-known French Graffiti crews, T.S.H and F.D.P in Avignon.
Bault abandoned his late night trips, and put down the cans for ten whole years. He started focusing more on his “indoor” works, producing rather graphic and illustrative pieces alongside a collection of unusual videos and animations. All the while, Bault was always scribbling or doodling something, and his tagging/lettering style seemed to fade away. He moved on to creating a family of characters, carving out a signature style for himself. He found inspiration in an old type of “theatre” called Phantasmagoria, which started in France in the 18th century. A modified magic lantern was used to project frightening images of things such as skeletons, demons, and ghosts onto walls, smoke, or semi-transparent screens.
Over many years, Bault has developed what he likes to call, “A cabinet of curiosities, mutating monsters, grotesque characters and polluted environments. My creatures are often amputated, bloated and incomplete – I like to think of them as a kind of, contemporary phantasmagoria.”
<link http: instagram.com bault_ _blank>instagram.com/bault_
<link http: bault.tumblr.com _blank>bault.tumblr.com
<link http: www.facebook.com bault.bault>www.facebook.com/bault.bault
<link http: www.facebook.com perfektworld>www.facebook.com/perfektworld
<link http: www.facebook.com perfektbox>www.facebook.com/Perfektbox
Image: © Amaury Grisel, 2014