14.06.2014 to 26.09.2014 - TONSPUR_display
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants

Workshops: Sat, Jun 14, 14-17:00
Performance and CD-Release: Fri, Sep 26, 19:00
Location: Ovalhalle
Admission free
RemixInhambane, the brainchild of Maximilian Kamenar and Roland Pickl, is a prototype for a network that enables and promotes the production of music across geographical and musical boundaries. As part of the “MQ Summer of Sounds”, an open call will be issued for those who want to participate. A workshop for the project and contemporary music production will be set up in quartier21, with selected results being included in a CD presentation in September 2014.
<link https: www.youtube.com>www.youtube.com/watch
<link http: www.remixinhambane.com>www.remixinhambane.com
<link http: www.artisticbokeh.com>www.artisticbokeh.com
As part of:
<link http: www.mqw.at no_cache programm programmdetail mq-summer-of-sounds _blank>MQ Summer of Sounds
Image: © Remixinhambane.com