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Georg Schöllhammer in conversation with Warren Neidich (USA)

18.06.2014 to 18.06.2014 - Walther Koenig Books

Georg Schöllhammer in conversation with Warren Neidich (USA)


Georg Schöllhammer im Gespräch mit Warren Neidich (USA) Georg Schöllhammer im Gespräch mit Warren Neidich (USA)

Venue: Buchhandlung Walther König im MuseumsQuartier
Admission free

Buchhandlung Walther König and the quartier21 will host a discussion between the curator and writer Georg Schöllhammer and the artist Warren Neidich as part of the occasion of the launch of Mr. Neidich’s recent book The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism: Part 2, Archive Press, 2014. This volume collects extended papers originating from a conference of the same name held at the Institute of Cultural Inquiry, Berlin, in the spring of 2014.

After mapping out the classic territory of cognitive capitalism, for instance its precariousness and 24/7 character, the book continues by unpacking the ontogeny of its characteristic psychopathologies, like ADHD and autism, which have resulted from the unique concatenation of social-political-psychological-economic relations that describe its context. The accelerated expansion of the world picture and the overwhelming advancements in technicity has placed undue stress upon the overwrought systems at play in communication and creativity: properties essential for cognitive capital’s display, distribution and articulation. The final section goes on to expound the origins of a new site for capitalist exploitation: the factory of the brain. With a new armament at hand, like MRI machines and branding, sovereignty has imposed a two-pronged strategy in order to impose its power upon the material qualities of the brain, such as its neural plasticity, to mold a normalized and homogenized consumer citizen. The book concludes on a more optimistic note as many of the authors propose autonomous strategies of resistance.

Essays by Mr. Neidich join those of Ina Blom, Arne de Boever, Pascal Gielen, Sanford Kwinter, Maurizio Lazzarato, Karl Lyden, Yann Moulier Boutang, Matteo Pasquinelli, Alexei Penzin, Patricia Reed, John Roberts, Liss C. Werner and Charles Wolff.

Georg Schöllhammer is currently editor of springerin and was head and editor and chief of Documenta 12 Magazines.

Warren Neidich is an artist living between Los Angeles and Berlin. He has shown internationally at such places as PS 1, MOMA, The Whitney Museum, Museum of Applied Arts Vienna, Kunsthaus Graz, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Ludwig Museum, Köln and The ICA, London.

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