26.06.2014 to 12.10.2014 - Schauraum Angewandte
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Ali Miharbi (TUR): Stroke

Opening: Thu, Jun 26, 19:00
Venue: SCHAURAUM Angewandte
Admission free
Ali Miharbi conceived the installation “Stroke” specifically for the SCHAURAUM Angewandte during his residency at quartier21. The piece is a continuation of a series of works he has created lately, where machines carry out repetitive actions such as whipping or tickling the walls of the exhibition space. On this occasion, the anthropomorphic approach towards the architecture of the exhibition space in previous works has been eliminated in favour of focusing on the sounds of glass in contact with other objects. This way he emphasizes the transparent layer between the viewer and piece rather than the boundaries of the space.
Ali Miharbi, born 1976 in Istanbul, earned a dual degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering and in Art Theory & Practice - Painting at Northwestern University, USA. In 2010 he obtained his MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University, USA. His work takes a variety of forms, ranging from photographic, graphic, sonic or sculptural pieces to dynamic systems driven by live or stored data.
Vienna-based writer and curator Işin Önol is guest-curator of the activities of the SCHAURAUM Angewandte during the <link http: www.mqw.at en program programmdetail mq-summer-of-sounds _blank>MQ Summer of Sounds 2014.
Image: © Ali Miharbi
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<link http: www.alimiharbi.com>www.alimiharbi.com