01.05.2014 to 31.05.2014
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
“This machine is STILL a server: DO NOT POWER IT DOWN!! - _05414 take”

Venue: Station Rose, Electric Avenue
Free admission
# Surveillance, the Dark Web but Digital Art Forever
## audio-visual Installation ### Unique art works #### Sound ##### nMAP (new media arte povera) ###### neutral Digital Motion ####### A/V Xsamples ######## NiC (Nature is Cool).
the worldwide web is about allowing any machine all over the world to share
information using a linking system, it is just a tool created by people.
the installation is consisting of projections, sound, fleece, STR's
contemporary art objects, made from recycled wood, metal and printed fabric,
as well as excerpts from Station Rose's Digital Archive.
Elisa Rose : visual art, concept
Gary Danner : sound, concept
<link http: www.stationrose.com>www.stationrose.com