08.05.2014 to 22.06.2014 - Schauraum Angewandte
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Mirko Lazović (SRB/NDL): Electrickle

Opening: Thu, May 08, 19:00
Venue: SCHAURAUM Angewandte, Electric Avenue
Free admission
Not any piece of my equipment entitles for warranty, since every device I ever had is unscrewed, torn apart and rebuilt before I would even use it. At first, I thought I am doing this out of curiosity, discovering how things work. Just recently I realized that this might qualify for an initiation ritual in which I am leaving my fingerprints deeply inside an object, before declaring my ownership.
Mirko Lazović, visual artist born in Belgrade, studied visual arts in Belgrade, the Royal Academy in The Hague and obtained his Master in Art/Science at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. He exhibits since 2001, creating interactive installations, generative video, and site specific work.
Part of <link http: www.mqw.at no_cache en program programmdetail mq-summer-of-sounds-1 _blank>MQ Summer of Sounds
Text: Mirko Lazović
Image: Mirko Lazović: Electrickle © Işin Önol
Curated by Ruth Schnell, Işin Önol, and Wolfgang Fiel