01.04.2014 to 30.04.2014
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Station Rose: “This machine is a server: DO NOT POWER IT DOWN!!”

Venue: Station Rose, Electric Avenue
Free admission
# Überwachung, the Dark Web but Digital Art Forever
## audio-visual Installation ### Unique art works #### Sound ##### nMAP (new media arte povera) ###### neutral Digital Motion ####### A/V Xsamples ######## NiC (Nature is Cool).
the worldwide web is about allowing any machine all over the world to share information using a linking system, it is just a tool created by people .
the installation is consisting of projections, sound, fleece, STR´s contemporary art objects, made from recycled wood, metal and printed fabric, as well as excerpts from Station Rose´s Digital Archive.
Elisa Rose : visual art, concept
Gary Danner : sound, concept
<link http: www.stationrose.com>www.stationrose.com