04.03.2014 to 31.03.2014
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Station Rose: nMAP - dance like it's 1991

Station Rose: nMAP - dance like it's 1991
Opening: Tue, Mar 04, 20:00
Venue: Station Rose, Electric Avenue
Free admission
The translation of processual art into a material form has been a prime area of emphasis for years, activities STR refers to as New Media Arte Povera. This aesthetic, originally developed in Frankfurt as a response to banking sector insanity and economic crisis, retains its validity to this day. An installation and performances make it visible, audible, bring reduced sensuality, glitch art, recycling & bass into play. Sound & projection encounter wood, cloth and data—Contemporary Art 2014.
Recycling of proved and tested structures of composition, sounds and samples, from Rave and early Techno up to their roots Psychedelia, Kraut and Minimal Music.
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