18.11.2013 to 24.11.2013 - MQ Cultural Tenants
VIENNA ART WEEK 2013 at quartier21

Date: Nov 18 to Nov 24
The VIENNA ART WEEK, already in its ninth edition this year, has become an important part of artistic life in Vienna.
The 2013 art festival, titled “Projecting Worlds”, draws on issues and positions related to the significance of artistic expression in identity formation. Within an overall framework of exhibitions, interventions, studio visits, gallery tours, curator tours, artist talks, lectures, performances and panel discussions, VIENNA ART WEEK 2013 highlights the role of the artist not only as a creator of works, but also as the author of a narrative – that of his or her own universe. Dialogue between the artist and the viewer is a key point of focus.
Looking at art is a kind of catalyst, a gentle introduction to a place that allows space and time for both creativity and interpretation. In a world of ubiquitous information technology, one where people are exposed to constant overstimulation, a longing for “deceleration” has become a common concept in contemporary lifestyles. Art satisfies longings; it generates new desires, and delving into the artist’s cosmos and narratives takes time. This cosmos reveals the artist’s inner world, but it is also a projection of external, mutually dependent conditions.
Open Studio Day, which was started last year with great success, offers visitors a unique opportunity to visit 80 artists in their studios. Curators hold Open Talks, creating a discursive framework to complete the program. With Curators’ Picks, VIENNA ART WEEK 2013 has created yet another a new platform: curators have been invited to Vienna as a way of intensifying the exchange between curatorial and artistic practice, dialogue with artists and the art public at large. The program aims to bring Vienna’s enormous artistic and creative potential into the international spotlight.
Martin Böhm (Präsident Art Cluster Vienna) / Robert Punkenhofer
(Künstlerischer Leiter VIENNA ART WEEK)
<link http: www.viennaartweek.at>www.viennaartweek.at
»Applied individuality: positions and discourses in artistic research«
Date: Tue, Nov 19, 18:00
Venue: Raum D / quartier21
In German
The event aims to exemplify by means of artistic research how something new is created on categorical, disciplinary, methodical, institutional and individually biographic bases. The presentation includes positions between art and research that could be subsumed by the term “ artistic research”.
An event by Artistic Technology Research / PEEK of the University of Applied Arts Vienna / Support Art and Research.
<link http: www.artistictechnology.at>www.artistictechnology.at
»community currencies, cryptocurrencies and alternative economies in art and society«
Date: Wed, Nov 20, 18:00
Venue: Raum D / quartier21
In German
Participants: stadtwerkstatt, communitywaehrung gibling (punkaustria.at);
Matthias Tarasiewicz, www.bitcoincloud.at;
Harald Schilly, Bitcoin Austria
Moderation: Lorenz »eSeL« Seidler
The event will be followed by the opening of a “PUNKFILIALE – Gibling exchange office” at MQ.
<link http: www.quartier21.at no_cache en program _blank>FACELESS Symposium
Date: Thu, Nov 21
Venue: freiraum quartier21 INTERNATIONAL
Moderated by artist and curator Bogomir Doringer
The symposium is part of the exhibition “FACELESS”, curated by Bogomir Doringer in collaboration with Brigitte Felderer.
<link http: www.facelessexhibition.com>www.facelessexhibition.com
<link http: www.quartier21.at no_cache en program _blank>Studio Visits
Date: Sat, Nov 23, 13:00
Metting Point: MQ Staatsratshof, Courtyard 7 (entrance vis-à-vis Volkstheater), 1070 Vienna
Studio visit with cultural journalist Alexandra Matzner
John Fekner and Don Leicht, »Urbaniconografi«
Date: Sat, Nov 23, 18:00
In German and English
From 15-18:00, Street Artists and Artists-in-Residence at quartier21 John Fekner and Don Leicht will be painting live in the Main MQ Courtyard.
As a finishing event of their work-in-progress installation YOUR SPACE HAS BEEN INVADED on the ice pavilions in the Main MQ Courtyard, John Fekner and Don Leicht will present their outdoor-stencil DANGER LIVE ARTISTS in the STREET ART PASSAGE VIENNA.
<link http: www.johnfekner.com>www.johnfekner.com
<link http: www.betonblumen.org>www.betonblumen.org
Guided curator’s tour of TONSPUR 60 by James Benning
Date: Sun, Nov 24, 17:00
Venue: TONSPUR_passage (between MQ Courtyard 7 and 8)
In German
Curator Georg Weckwerth gives a tour of TONSPUR 60 by James Benning, American avant-garde filmmaker and artist in residence at quartier21. Since 2003, the series “TONSPUR für einen öffentlichen raum“ has been presenting sound art by international artists in the public space of MQ Wien.
<link http: www.tonspur.at>www.tonspur.at