11.09.2013 to 11.09.2013
quartier21 Artists-in-Residence @ MQ VIENNA FASHION WEEK

Date: Wed, Sep 11, 22:00
Venue: MQ Main Courtyard
At this year's MQ VIENNA FASHION WEEK (September 11 to 15), two Artists-in-Residence of quartier21/MQ will present their collections.
REBEL YUTHS (NGR) combines african heritage with street mythologies and other elements from western culture (Pop Art, Cartoon/Avatars).
French fashion designer Juliette Imbert focuses on ethical production techniques.
More Fashion Week:
<link http: www.mqw.at no_cache en program _blank>Day I
<link http: www.mqw.at no_cache en program _blank>Day II
<link http: www.mqw.at no_cache en program _blank>Day III
<link http: www.mqw.at no_cache en program _blank>Day IV
<link http: www.mqw.at no_cache en program _blank>Day V
<link http: www.mqviennafashionweek.com>www.mqviennafashionweek.com
<link http: www.pinterest.com quartier21 mq-fashion-week-2013artist-in-residence>www.pinterest.com/quartier21/mq-fashion-week-2013artist-in-residence