28.09.2013 to 28.02.2014 - Typopassage Wien
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
AMZ – "TyPost"

AMZ – "TyPost"
Date: Sep 28, 2013 to Feb 28, 2014, daily 00-24:00
Opening: Frt, Sep 27, 19:00
Venue: Typopassage, MQ passage between courtyard 1 and 2
Free admission
Often, company archives of well-known brands contain typographic treasures. Formerly seductive invitations for purchasing things, these letterings and historic testimonials enchant with their retro charme nowadays. The old Alpenmilchzentrale (Alpine Milk Centre) in Vienna is a good example. A dairy factory until the 1980s, the base of different creative agencies now. The former urban manifactory produced a huge variety of milk products – today, their packaging still convinces due to their distinctive and sometimes ironic usage of letterings. A selection of these typographic findings are republished as postcards for Vienna’s Typopassage. Its vending machine offers a set of cards including a stamp, an on-site mailbox encourages to directly post these humorous typographies.