08.08.2013 to 30.08.2013
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Zivilisatorischer Unfug - Comic Art by Heike Drewelow (GER)

Date: Aug 08 to Aug 30, daily 11-18:00
Opening: Wed, Aug 07, 19:00
Venue: Galerie der Komischen Künste
Free admission
The gallery of comic art/Galerie der Komischen Künste shows in „Zivilisatorischer Unfug“ comic artworks by Heike Drewelow, who is <link http: www.quartier21.at en artists-in-residence artists _blank>Artist-in-Residence at quartier/MuseumsQuartier in August.
<link http: www.heikedrewelow.de>www.heikedrewelow.de
<link http: www.komischekuenste.com>www.komischekuenste.com