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SUBOTRON/WKW pro games global: Indie Games Summit

07.02.2013 to 07.02.2013

SUBOTRON/WKW pro games global: Indie Games Summit


SUBOTRON/WKW pro games global: Indie Games Summit SUBOTRON/WKW pro games global: Indie Games Summit

SUBOTRON/WKW pro games: Indie Games Summit

Datum: Do 07.02., 19h
Ort: Raum D / quartier21
Eintritt frei

Unabhängige, von kleinen Teams oder Einzelpersonen entwickelte Computerspiele sind bereits seit einigen Jahren im steten Wachstum begriffen - sowohl, was Kreativität und Innovationspotenzial anbelangt als auch hinsichtlich des rein quantitativen Output. Kein Wunder: Die Entwickler-Tools werden immer besser, kostengünstiger und intuitiver. Zur selben Zeit steigen die Möglichkeiten, eigene Computerspielideen in die Tat umzusetzen - sei es bei einem der international (auch in Wien) veranstalteten Game-Jams oder innerhalb einer speziell darauf ausgerichteten Lehrveranstaltung auf einer Uni oder FH. Auch die Möglichkeiten zur prominenten Platzierung und Vermarktung von Indie-Games haben sich stark verbessert. Triple-A-Spiele und Indie-Titel werden immer nahtloser gleichwertig nebeneinander angeboten, sei es auf Download-Plattformen wie Steam oder bei spezifischen Konsolen-Online-Shops wie Xbox Live, Xbox Live Indie Games, PlayStation Store oder Nintendo E-Shop. Aktuelle Filmproduktionen wie "Indie Game: The Movie" oder "Minecraft: The Story of Mojang" manifestieren die starke kulturelle und auch wirtschaftliche Relevanz von unabhängig entwickelten Computerspielen.

"SUBOTRON/WKW pro games" lädt zum Saison-Auftrakt erfolgreiche Vertreter von internationalen und lokalen Indie-Game-Studios ein, sich zu präsentieren und gemeinsam den "current state of Indie Game development" zu erörtern.


Zu Gast ist ein gegen den Strich gebürstetes Indie-Studio mit international herausragendem Ruf: Vlambeer aus den Niederlanden, die vor allem durch ihren deftigen "Mario Bros."-Remix "Super Crate Box" bekannt geworden sind, der mittlerweile sogar eine Umsetzung für den C64 erfahren hat. Aktuell arbeitet Vlambeer an einem Dogfighting-Game namens "Luftrausers".
Das bezaubernde Jump'n'Run "pid" des schwedischen Studios Might & Delight ist Ende 2012 für PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows und Mac veröffentlicht worden. Das Wiener Indie-Team Broken Rules hat zur selben Zeit mit "Chasing Aurora" eines der allerersten Download-Titel für die neue Wii U-Konsole von Nintendo herausgebracht. In stetigen Updates begriffen ist das Facebook-Game "Tight Lines Fishing" des Wiener Entwicklers Socialspiel, das bereits 2011 den Publikumspreis im Rahmen des Deutschen Entwicklerpreis gewonnen hat.

Rami Ismail
Vlambeer, Utrecht

Vlambeer is an award-winning two man independent game studio from the Netherlands made up of Rami Ismail (Business & Game Development) and Jan Willem Nijman (Game Design & Execution). With games available on PC, Mac, iOS and Vita, they're best known for their hit debut title „Super Crate Box" but have also claimed fame with fishing-with-guns game „Radical Fishing", gangster-rap shooter „GUN GODZ" and „Serious Sam: The Random Encounter". Known for a prolific output of games in 2010 and 2011, Vlambeer has spent 2012 organizing local and international events for the past year through -amongst others- the succesful „7DFPS" and „Fuck This Jam" gamejams - all while wrapping up „LUFTRAUSERS" and its infamous iOS game „Ridiculous Fishing". Rami Ismail is the technical and business side of Vlambeer. He speaks at events around the world about indie games, creativity, production, business and marketing for smaller teams. Creator of the freely available indie press tool presski (, he's also known (and notorious) for his chronic Coca Cola abuse.

Anders Westin
Might & Delight, Stockholm

Might and Delight was formed in early 2010. The core team has worked for various high profile titles such as „Mirror's Edge", „Battlefield", and „Killzone", but most notably together on Capcom's "Bionic Commando: Rearmed". At that time the team discovered that they had a knack for coming up with innovative and charming ideas which further evolved into a tight knit friendship and now company of his own.
The team has changed and grown since then, and now Might and Delight is a brave mix of industry veterans and indie developers with a shared ambition to always prioritize playfulness and innovative ideas over established norms. Their single biggest and most important value is to always be thorough and theoretical in our approach to game-making. Rearmed has taught them how crucial it is to analyze and understand the context of what you are trying to create. It is this way of working that influences every aspect of their work pipeline and they hope it shines through in the games they create. The Might and Delight team currently consists of 7 people based in Stockholm Sweden.

Martin Pichlmair
Broken Rules, Wien

Broken Rules is an independent game studio based in Vienna. Founded in 2011, Broken Rules has released games for Wii, Wii U, iPhone and PC/Mac/Linux. The studio is best known for "And Yet It Moves", an award-winning puzzle platformer. With "Chasing Aurora" U they created an indie launch title for the Wii U.
Martin Pichlmair wears a lot of hats at Broken Rules. He is responsible for game writing, business, the level editor and a lot of game design, marketing and programming. Martin used to be an assistant university professor and a new media artist and holds a doctor title in informatics. An experienced conference speaker, he teaches game prototyping and frequently publishes articles on programming, marketing and all things indie. For every Coke Rami drinks, Martin eats a chilli pepper.

Helmut Hutterer
Socialspiel interactive family entertainment gmbh, Wien

Helmut's career started in 2001 when he joined neo software as QA Manager. At neo software, which became Rockstar Vienna in 2003, he was responsible for building and leading the QA team. In the summer of 2006 Helmut co- founded Team Vienna and shipped a commercial game as designer and producer. After that he joined a small group of ex-colleagues as QA Manager at the newly founded company Games That Matter, which was acquired by Deep Silver in 2008. In 2008, after almost eight years in QA, he started a project as producer. His most recently shipped titles include "Cursed Mountain" and his work on the "Max Payne" and the "Grand Theft Auto" series. During his career he worked on 13 different titles, on seven different platforms.

Moderation: Robert Glashüttner (ORF/FM4)

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