06.12.2012 to 19.01.2013
Gebetomat / Pray-o-mat
Date: daily, in the daytime
Location: Foyer TQW / Hall G
A small spiritual room - the Pray-o-mat is an archive of prayers from all over the world.
The Pray-o-Mat is an archive of praying in the world; it resembles a passport-photo booth and represents the smallest form of a spiritual room. Conceived for underground stations, railway stations, motorway services, libraries or other places of public life, it offers passers-by an opportunity for inner reflection. They have the opportunity to listen to more than 300 prayers in 65 languages from the world religions and numerous other persuasions and other religious communities: from \"Our Father\" to the songs of Tibetan monks, Buddhist sutras, prayers from the Qur‘an, Hebrew Kaddish prayers, Indian songs, prayers of shamans from New Guinea or Mali, to the contemporary group meditations and American television preachers. All are genuine prayers by people who are believers, collected at religious services, prayer rooms, homes and locations of all kinds. You are free to use the Prayo- Mat as a place of retreat for one\'s own prayer or just to listen.