20.11.2012 to 23.11.2012
VIENNA ART WEEK 2012 at quartier21

VIENNA ART WEEK 2012 at quartier21
Date: Nov 20, 5 to 10pm
Venue: Artist Studios, Tonspur_passage, Electric Avenue
Free admission
Catalogue Presentation and Open Studios
Venue: Artist Studios 501 and 513 (entrance in Staatsratshof courtyard)
Since the founding of the quartier21 studio program in 2002, more than 300 international artists-in-residence (AiRs) have been invited to spend an average of two months living and working at the MuseumsQuartier.
After the \"AiR 100\" and \"AiR 200\" catalogs, \"AiR 300\" introduces another one hundred grant recipients with short bios and selected longer portraits. This presentation gives the public a possibility to visit the artist studios and meet some the guest artists living there.
TONSPUR 54: Candice Breitz / Curator Tour
Venue: TONSPUR_passage (between MQ Courtyard 7 & 8)
Georg Weckwerth, curator and artistic director of TONSPUR for a public space, guides a tour through TONSPUR 54, a project created by South African artist Candice Breitz during her stay as Artist-in-Residence.
The series TONSPUR für einen öffentlichen raum has been presenting sound works by artists from around the world in public space at the MQ Wien since 2003. These multichannel compositions, which go well beyond stereo, generate fascinating sound architectures and walk-in sound spaces.
The TONSPUR_passage, established in May 2006, is the first permanent venue for sound art in Vienna. Unique in this form worldwide, since its opening different artists have developed and realized four sound works per year especially for this space.
TONSPUR für einen öffentlichen raum was awarded a distinction at the Prix Ars Electronica 2010 in the category Digital Musics & Sound Art.
Digital Memories: Memories of Tomorrow
Venue: Electric Avenue
Picking up on the theme of this year\'s VIENNA ART WEEK, Predicting Memories, Quartier für digitale Kultur is focusing on memories of tomorrow.
What can we know about today tomorrow? How can we archive the unceasing flow of information in our digital culture? How private is our \"private life\" in the age of data preservation and Facebook? How will mailboxes, online friends, blogs, databases, or our gaming behavior reconstruct our life twenty years from now?
This event on Electric Avenue at the MQ reflects on the future of memory. It entertains potential scenarios of digital culture and media art ranging from digital spiritual life on social platforms to the complete breakdown of the system.
Guided Studio Visits to Artists-in-Residence
Date: Nov 23, 5pm
Venue: quartier21 Artist Studios
Please RSVP:wuensch@viennaartweek.at
Free admission
On Friday, November 23, as part of VIENNA ART WEEK, interested visitors can join guided tours of the artist residencies at MuseumsQuartier with tour guide Alexandra Matzner. The studio program of quartier21 gives international artists the opportunity to live and work in Vienna for two months.
Meeting place: MQ courtyard 7 (entrance Volkstheater)