23.11.2012 to 23.11.2012
Rolf Elberfeld (D) / Marc Rölli (CH): Der Körper im japanischen No-Theater

Rolf Elberfeld (D) / Marc Rölli (CH): Der Körper im japanischen No-Theater
Der Körper im japanischen N?o-Theater / Oder warum man den Körper nicht ausblenden kann
Date: Fri, Nov 23, 17:00
Location: TQW / Halle G
Free admission
Rolf Elberfeld (D)
Der Körper im japanischen N?o-Theater
Zeami (1364 - 1443), who in the 15th century developed Japanese Notheatre into an autonomous art form, not only wrote many No-plays but also developed a theoretically complex aesthetics of the No-theatre. On the basis of his text Kakyo (flower mirror), the lecture will show the importance of the body in No-plays. Here it will be clear that a developed body perception simultaneously means the development of a spiritual dimension. In No-plays it is a question of creating a shared feeling (kan) between actors, musicians and spectators, with the breathing atmosphere (ki) playing a special role.
\r\nRolf Elberfeld, Prof. Dr, teaches cultural philosophy at the University of Hildesheim.
\r\nMarc Rölli (CH)
\"Mit dem Knie denken\"
Oder warum man den Körper nicht ausblenden kann
The low regard for the body has a long tradition in the history of philosophy. True understanding is a matter of pure, i.e. incorporeal thought that relates to untiring spirits or immortal souls. The physical seems to be an empirical hindrance which, with the right methods, can and should be put to one side. But can the corporeal darkness, if it exists, be spiritually illuminated and enlightened? Or can one also turn the tables, and with Leibniz deduce a body by deriving its necessity from ideas that are never clear and explicit?
\r\nMarc Rölli, Prof. Dr. phil., teaches philosophy at the Fatih University in Istanbul.
\r\nLectures in German
Duration: 3 hours