20.06.2012 to 20.06.2012
Mr and Mrs Gardener

Mr and Mrs Gardener
Date: Wed, Jun 20, 18:00
Venue: Architekturzentrum, Podium
Free admission
The image of the allotment garden today is hotly contested. Prejudices clash with each other: petit-bourgeois idyll, standardised aesthetic, anarchic self-fulfilment, the new delight in greenery but also the rediscovery of self-sufficiency. In Vienna it has been permitted since 1992 to live the entire year in such allotment garden complexes - an Eldorado for young architects and wildly rampant do-it-yourself aesthetics. It is now time to take stock of the current situation.
welcome address: Dietmar Steiner, director Az W
short lectures:
Maria Auböck, landscape designer
Herbert Binder, resident in a garden settlement house
Yara Coca-Dominguez, Gartenpolylog association
Martina Eichberger, resident in an allotment garden house
Wolfgang Förster, Housing Research Vienna, MA 50
Bernhard Seyringer, communications expert
Una Steiner, architecture researcher
Norbert Thaler, thaler.thaler architekten
Michael Zinganel & Michael Hieslmair, artists
followed by a discussion
moderated by: Dietmar Steiner, director Az W