08.06.2012 to 09.06.2012
Marta Izquierdo Muñoz (ES): I Have Killed The Prince (My Heart Is An Ocean)

Marta Izquierdo Muñoz (ES)
I Have Killed The Prince (My Heart Is An Ocean)
Date: Fri, 08.06. and Sat, 09.06., 20:30
Venue: TQW /Studios
Austrian première
My heart is an ocean
Fly, fly my chimaera
My heart is an ocean
Where a white ship sails
From her karaoke box (literally a \"box with empty orchestra\") in the lowwater mark, among other objects left by the backwash, a half-fish half-flesh creature tries to make both ends meet. In her new work Marta Izquierdo Muñoz proposes a personal version of Hans Christian Andersen\'s fairy tale The Little Mermaid, a story based on the difference of good and bad without answering the question of how to deal with the pain emerging out of it. The Spanish choreographer and performer creates a space of solitude, intimate and public at the same time, in which the figure of the Siren unfolds her trajectory amongst chansons and bibelots: Ritual objects and residencies of memories, that alike the oceans shore develop and emerge alongside the artist\'s travels and encounters.