04.05.2012 to 02.09.2012
Side program for The Circus as a Parallel Universe
The Circus as a Parallel Universe
Date: May 4, to Sep 2
Venue: KUNSTHALLE wien
Clear the ring for the world of acrobats, clowns, and exotic animals! Presenting a number of contemporary works of art, the exhibition The Circus as a Parallel Universe offers an introduction into the universe of the circus and highlights a wondrous place full of knowledge of the world, surprises and sensations, a place of poetry, but also of excitement, confusion, and unease.
\r\nSide program:
Thu, May 24, 19:00; Mon, Jun 2, 18:30; Sat, Jun 14, 19:00
Ulrike Ottinger: Fiktion und Faktion
Externer Veranstaltungsort
Thu, Aug 23, 20:00
every Sun 15:00
Sun May, 10, 15:00; Fri, Jun 22, 18:00
Guided Tour with Clown
Sat, May 5; Sun May 6, 13, 20 and 27; Sun Sa 05.05.; Sun, Jun 3, 10, 17 and 24; 14:00; Sun Jul 1, 15:00
Führung: Starren, Staunen, Schaudern - zur Schaulust im Wandel der Zeit
Sat, May 12, Sat, Jun 16 and 23, 15:00
Führung: Diane Arbus und andere Meister des Monströsen
Sat, May 5 and 26, Jun 6, 15:00
Führung: Menschen, Tiere, Sensationen
Sat, May 19, Jun 2 and 30, 15:00
>> Exhibition