25.04.2012 to 25.04.2012
Vienna and Resources. The Rinterzelt

Vienna and Resources. The Rinterzelt
Date: Wed, Apr 25, 12:30-16:30
Venue: Architekturzentrum Wien, Shop, 12:15
Tickets: EUR 14.00 / students EUR 10.00
Registration required: 01/522 31 15 or office@azw.at
max. 25 people
means of transport: Bus
guided bus tour: Elke Krasny, cultural theorist,
Richard Woschitz, structural engineer
Lukas Lang, architect
MA 48
In the Rinterzelt Viennese garbage continues its life: plastic bottles, old electronic appliances, or paper are sorted and recycled. The revolutionary timber structure of the tent-shaped hall by Julius Natterer, Lukas M. Lang and Emil Jakupec is one of the largest timber roofs in the world. The tour takes place thanks to the support of the MA 48.