25.04.2012 to 25.04.2012
Vienna and Resources. Learning from Elsewhere
Vienna and Resources. Learning from Elsewhere
impulse lectures and discussion
Date: Wed, Apr 25, 19:00
Venue: Architekturzentrum Wien, Podium
Free admission
welcome address: Karoline Mayer, Az W
impulse lectures:
Katrin Bohn, Visiting Professor, TU Berlin
Gabriele Gottwald-Nathaniel, gabarage upcycling design
Ursula Schneider, pos architekten
Alexandra Vogl, Managing Director TINA VIENNA
Katharina Weinmar, Waste Management Vienna, MA 48 (to be confirmed)
followed by a round of discussions
moderated by Elke Krasny, curator of the exhibition
We live in a time of economic and financial crises and yet behave as if the supply of raw materials, land, air and water were infinite. Awareness of resources and dealing with garbage are important for processes of self-empowerment. At the same time garbage is a global business and a challenge for urban administrations. How does Vienna manage its garbage and its resources? What are the perspectives for the future? How can architecture and design products be made out of garbage?