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11.04.2012 to 15.04.2012




An artistic-theoretical parcours on societal-choreographical dis/orders

Date: Apr 11 to 15
Venue: Tanzquartier Wien, Semperdepot and in the public space

Whether it is cháos that holds our worlds together?

Since time immemorial the regulations and conditions that underlie our living together have been the subject of controversial political considerations and models, and they have recently acquired a shocking relevance in the debate about the condition of our democratic societies under the influence of terrorism and rightwing and xenophobic movements. Under these impressions, the political scientist Chantal Mouffe challenges us to take the distinction between politics and the political seriously again and not to seek the aim of democratic politics over-hastily in consensus and reconciliation, in empathy, reciprocity or transparency. Rather, in her analysis she points to the necessity of the antagonistic form and the affective dimension as a basic precondition for every community and all its agreements.

Precisely these agreements and their aesthetic preconditions, with and according to which our real and imagined communities function, are also the focus of SCORES N°5: CHÁOS. They thereby point to the history of contemporary dance and performance art, which has always sought its contemporaneity in the examination and confrontation with its historical and current political surroundings. How can freedom and equality be thought, if our individual and collective spaces and decisions - like chaos (from the Greek χaος (cháos)) - leave traces of confusion and disorder; if the striving for a societal, for a performative contract opens up increasingly divergent spaces? How, out of the heterogeneity of positions and experiences and opinions, can a dynamic be created that develops a capacity for action out of the momentum of the contradictoriness of parallel worlds? That, out of the momentum of cháos, creates singularity instead of universality - as the opposite of the cosmos?

In their performative and discursive works and practices, the invited artists and theoreticians concern themselves with the relationship between theatrical, social and societal processes of the formation and failure of community. Based on different concepts from the fields of empathy and kinaesthesia, of science or of technology, they examine our perception of the possibilities of participation and having a part in them. In the interferences of order and disorder, of light and dark, which open up as chaos, the choreographic reveals itself as the praxis of grasping and understanding, as a structure-creating and structure-abolishing gesture, as a non-linear, multi-polar and disparate movement of resistance, which penetrates society and challenges and re-creates our utopias and models of co-existence, our agreements. As a praxis that develops in changing constellations and dynamics and into which the tension of the regulatory and irregularity, of the laws, the laid down and the permeable is inscribed. With their works and drafts, the invited artists and theoreticians challenge us to give up the comfortable distance between stage and spectators, between private and public ever anew, and to become an audience again in the sense of becoming a publicly noticeable and effective agent of civil society that precisely then can properly reflect the aesthetic distance: and thereby to understand our perception and attention also as described by Alva Noë as the ability to act and to think: \"Perception is not something that happens to us, or in us. It is something we do.\"

WITH, a.o.: Alexandre Achour, Daniel Aschwanden, BADco., Aïcha M\'Barek, Laurent Chétouane, CREW, Adriana Cubides, Hafiz Dhaou, Jefta van Dinther, Sybrig Dokter, Brigitte Felderer, Alain Franco, Katharina Greimel, Michael Hagner, Anna Huber, Margarete Jahrmann, Miriam Jakob, Eric Joris, David Kiers, Ivan Krastev, Barbara Kraus, les gens d\'Uterpan, Ellinor Ljungkvist, Krisana Locke, Ana Laura Lozza, Lee Meir, noid, Paz Rojo, Eszter Salamon, Annegret Schalke, Peter Stamer, Ali von Stein, Minna Tiikkainen, Johanne Timm, Kat Válastur, Anatoli Vlassov and Frank Willens.

Festival program in overview:

Training with Ali von Stein (D) / Krisana Locke (AUS/D)
Active Mediatation
Tue, Apr 10 to Sat, Apr 14
10:45-12:45 in TQW / Studios

Workshop with Peter Stamer (D)
Der Unfall der Darstellung
Thu, Apr 12 to Sat, Apr 14
13:30-16:30 in TQW / Studios


Annie Vigier (F) / Franck Apertet (F) / Les Gens D\'Uterpan
Topologie (Austrian première)
Apr 5 to 14 in the city space
Discussion in TQW / Studios

Interaktive Performance
C.A.P.E (Austrian première)
Wed, Apr 11 to Sat, Apr 14
13:00-18:00 in MQ Main Courtyard


Wed, Apr 11

Introduction & Welcome to SCORES N°5: CHÁOS
18:00 in TQW / Studios

Peter Stamer (D) / Sybrig Dokter (SWE) / Frank Willens (USA/D)
For Your Eyes Only (Austrian première)
18:30 in TQW / Studios

Eszter Salamon (HU)
Tales of the Bodiless
Musical Fiction without Science
20:30 in TQW / Halle G


Thu, Apr 12

Two lectures and a dialogue
Michael Hagner (D) Science and Democracy
& Laurent Chétouane (F/D) Dance and Democracy
18:00 in TQW / Studios

Song Books
Choreographic Project on Scores by John Cage
20:30 in Semperdepot / Prospekthof

Alain Franco (BE)
Composing out of the centre
22:00 in Semperdepot / Prospekthof


Fri, Apr 13

Two lectures and a dialogue
Brigitte Felderer (A) / Margarete Jahrmann (A) Play and Prosume
& Eric Joris (BE)
16:00 in TQW / Studios

Danced conference
Anatoli Vlassov (RU/F)
Outside In - a danced conference (Austrian première)
18:00 in TQW / Studios

Hafiz Dhaou (TU) / Aicha M\'Barek (TU)
Do you believe me? (Austrian première)
20:00 in Foyer / Halle G

Jefta van Dinther (SE/NL) / Minna Tiikkainen (FIN/NL) / David Kiers (NL)
GRIND (Austrian première)
20:30 in TQW / Halle G


Sat, Apr 14

Adriana Cubides (A/COL)
Experiment vol.1: Collective performance-practice
14:00 in TQW / Studios

Ivan Krastev (BG)
Is It Tomorrow, Yet?
Visualization of Politics and the Crisis of the Democratic Institutions

16:00 in TQW / Studios

Lecture Performance
Paz Rojo (ES)
\"I don\'t like community in the same way I hate contact improvisation\"
17:30 in TQW / Studios

Les Gens D\'Uterpan & Daniel Aschwanden (CH/A)
Discussion in the context of Topologie
19:00 in TQW / Studios

BADco. (HR)
Black and Forth (Austrian première)
20:30 in TQW / Halle G


Son, Apr 15

Outdoor / Opening performance
Barbara Kraus (A)
about leaving
9:30 Meeting Point: car park Kahlenbergerdorf

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