11.04.2012 to 14.04.2012
Date: Wed, Apr 11 to Sat, Apr 14, 13:00-18:00
Venue: MQ main courtyard
Free admission
What if you could physically walk through the past or maybe the future? What if you could walk in a reality that is NOT HERE? C.A.P.E. (Computer Automatic Personal Environment) is a futuristic system, a high-technology configuration and artistic concept that induces exactly this experience, this illusion in your body. CREW have been experimenting with this concept for years and propose a whole new way to experience a documentary, a visit to the past, a performance, a far-away city.... C.A.P.E takes you right into the heart of the experience.
A visitor is equipped with video-goggles, headphones and a portable computer. This \'immersive device\' allows him to enter a different reality. Pre-recorded or real-time 360° film images in the video-goggles and omni-directional sound puts him literally in the middle of the image. He or she can look around into this filmed environment at free will, move around and walk inside the virtual space and, so to speak, be teleported from one place to another or from one time to another.
In Vienna CREW will propose two experiences to the public: C.A.P.E Brussels invites you for a special walk through Brussels. C.A.P.E Tohoku takes you to the tsunami-area in Japan and puts you in the middle of the devastated areas.
Production: Eric Joris
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