15.03.2012 to 09.05.2012
Christine Gaigg (A) / 2nd nature

Christine Gaigg (A) / 2nd nature
Wenn die Kinder Steine ins Wasser werfen
by Xaver Bayer (2011)
Date: Fri, Mar 16 and 30, Sat, Mar 17 and 31;
Tue, Apr 3, Wed, Apr 4, Thu, Apr 26 and Fri, Apr 27;
Tue, May 8 and Wed, May 9, always 20:00
Venue: Schauspielhaus Wien
Tickets: € 18
Premiere: Thu, Mar 15, 20:00
Wenn die Kinder Steine ins Wasser werfen minutes the flow of thoughts of a first-person narrator waiting for his connecting flight at Brussels airport as a web of perceptions, associations and recollections.
The starting point for the new work by the choreographer Christine Gaigg, which is taking place for the first time as a co-production by the Schauspielhaus Wien and the Tanzquartier Wien, is the latest narration by the author Xaver Bayer, Wenn die Kinder Steine ins Wasser werfen (When Children Throw Stones into the Water). The encounter between the two artists, who are among the most famous representatives of the Austrian dance and literature scene, is not only a meeting of two different artistic languages, but also the search for new perspectives in dealing with text and choreography.
Actually, Xaver Bayer’s story is a musical score, a choreographic setting. Meaty, precise and open, the text produces potentials. Each moment contains a possible realisation, the germ of an action, a turning point. Choreographically translated, the language can expand and branch out, when the ensemble weaves a net in which the spectators’ imaginations find their leads. (Christine Gaigg)