03.12.2011 to 03.12.2011
Global Open Data Hackathon
Global Open Data Hackathon
Date: Sat, Dec 3rd, 11am-5pm
Venue: Raum D / quartier21, Electric Avenue
Free admission
We want you!
Citizens. We need you the most. If it weren\'t for you, this whole thing wouldn\'t be happening. We need ideas, cheerleaders, and friends to spread the word.
Developers. We need computer cowboys (and cowgirls) like yourself to wrangle data into something useful. That means visualization, notification, integration, etc., all in the name of doing something crazy and fantastic.
Statisticians. YES! YOU ARE SO NEEDED. Seriously. While we can find it, blow it up, calculate it, and make it look pretty, we needs us some mean number crunchin\' to present meaningful visualizations. Join up.
Librarians. I heard you folks like books and eat catalogs of data for breakfast. You beautiful people are going to scour the earth for interesting data, help the rest of us figure out what\'s important, and generally be useful.
Designers. If you help out to make something snazzy, I will award you with a copy of Photoshop that will never crash. We need people like you to make the rest of our work look amazing, feel intuitive, and have a smooth userexperience. You know the drill.