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Side program: No fashion, please! - Photography between Gender and Lifestyle

11.11.2011 to 29.01.2012

Side program: No fashion, please! - Photography between Gender and Lifestyle


Rahmenprogramm: No fashion, please! - Fotografie zwischen Gender und Lifestyle Rahmenprogramm: No fashion, please! - Fotografie zwischen Gender und Lifestyle

No fashion, please!
Photography between Gender and Lifestyle


Date: Nov 11 2011 to Jan 292012
KUNSTHALLE wien, halle 2

Today’s fashion photograph, set up like a scene from a stage production, has evolved into a projection of an artificial wishful reality. The images presented here record a changing mentality, which perceives clothes as part of a mise-en-scène that takes place only in the world of photography. Everything revolves around dream concepts and ideals of a changing body aesthetic caught in mid-flight.

Guided tours:
every Sun, 16:00
in German language


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