02.08.2011 to 04.08.2011
ImPulsTanz 2011: Marcela Levi (BR): Around the hole everything is edge

ImPulsTanz 2011
Marcela Levi (BR): Around the hole everything is edge
Date: Tue, Aug 2 and Thu, Aug 4, 20:00-20:40
Venue: Halle G
A fable consisting of various fragments. In Marcela Levi\'s minimalist duet objects, too, become performers, while beauty and violence seem to coexist in an irritating way. A piece full of helplessness, but also of humour, that calls upon the audience to get lured into the unknown. \"Around the hole everything is edge\" is the fourth performance by the choreographer from Rio de Janeiro. It won the ZKB recognition award at the Zürcher Theater Spektakel in 2010.