05.07.2011 to 08.07.2011
Plasticine Animation Film Workshop and Screening

Plasticine Animation Film Workshop
With Izabela Plucinska (POL)
Dates: Jul 5 to Jul 8, 13:00-17:30
Location: ZOOM Kindermuseum
Izabela Plucinska is part of the young generation of animation artists who have already won international awards (\"Silver Bear\" in the Short Film category). Her plasticine figures enchant viewers with their aesthetics and the lovingly created, multilayered stories they act out. Under her guidance, young workshop participants can complete a plasticine animation film in four days.
for ages 13 and up
Workshop fee: € 70
Registration deadline: Mon, Jun 6; contact office@trickywomen.at
+43/(0)1/990 46 63
A workshop organized by Tricky Women in cooperation with ZOOM Kindermuseum, Vienna With the support of the Polish Institute in Vienna