18.06.2011 to 18.06.2011
Wiener Beschwerdechor

Wiener Beschwerdechor
Datum: Sa 18.06., 19h
Ort: MQ Haupthof
A \"Beschwerde\" is a complaint, and the Vienna Beschwerdechor is a choir that sings nothing but complaints. Appearing at the MQ on the invitation of Kunsthalle Wien, the choir, which now consists of more than 60 Viennese residents, will stage the mega performance Intervention XVII: 10 Jahre MQ.
Musical guests will include the Laokoongruppe. The complaints are now being collected at www.wienerbeschwerdechor.at, and will be set to music and dramatically performed in the MQ Haupthof. This choir is a mouthpiece of the city\'s inhabitants, a vent for the typically Viennese dissatisfaction and subtle bellyaching. \"Feel better now? Did ya get some air? Ya think somethin\'s gonna change?\"
Founded by Viennese performance artist Oliver Hangl more than a year ago, the Wiener Beschwerdechor is headed by Musical Director Stefan Foidl and makes interventive, usually unannounced appearances that are always context- and location-specific.
A Production by Oliver Hangl and Kunsthalle Wien with the support of Klangfarbe and McShark Multimedia