21.06.2011 to 31.07.2011
Sand Sculptures - Sand Art from the Netherlands

Sand Sculptures - Sand Art from the Netherlands
Date: Jun 21 to Jul 31, daily
Opening: Tue, Jun 21, 17:00
Venue: MQ Fürstenhof Courtyart (Courtyard 2)
Workshops: Jun 21 to Jul 17, daily 17:00-18:30, for ages up to 10, Tel.: 01/400084400
In a six-day period (Jun 15 to 21, 9:00 - 17:00), artists from the World Sand Sculpting Academy will create a work of art using 25,000 kilos of special sand. Encompassing a surface area of four by four meters and a height of four meters, the sculpture will represent a Dutch sailing ship and life at sea. Day by day, you can watch seals, dolphins, and other maritime creatures emerge from the sand. At the same time, kids will have a chance to build their own sculptures and sand landscapes in a neighboring sandbox as part of the supervised program Sand Stuff and Beach Stories. The sandbox can also be used for building, digging, and playing outside of supervised hours.
>> Sand Stuff and Beach Stories - Workshops for kids
A Partnership between wienXtra, ZOOM Kindermuseum, and DSCHUNGEL WIEN with the World Sand Sculpting Academy (WSSA) on behalf of the Royal Dutch Embassy