10.06.2011 to 02.11.2011
KLANGHIMMEL MQ: Zsolt Sörés/Jozef Cseres - Fallen Angels' Music (Tribute to Luci(f)er)

KLANGHIMMEL MQ: Zsolt Sörés/Jozef Cseres - Fallen Angels' Music (Tribute to Luci(f)er)
Datum: 10.06. bis 02.11., täglich 00-24h
Ort: MQ Haupthof
2011. Sound installation. 20min.
"Individual vs. Group - Self vs. Other - A false dichotomy propagated through the Media of Control, and above all through language. Hermes - the Angel - the medium is the Messenger.
All forms of communicativeness should be angelic - language itself should be angelic - a kind of divine chaos. Instead it is infected with a self replicating virus, an infinite crystal of separation, the grammar which prevents us from killing Nobodaddy once and for all." (Hakim Bey)
More than in theological and mystical interpretations of the fallen angel phenomenon, its metaphorical and poetical reinterpretations, or etymological genesis and meanings of "Lucifer", we are interested in the sounds caused by the very falling of fallen angels, as well as in the fact weather their music deviated from the established tunings and ethe. Was it avant-garde or decadent? Had their rebellion against the established order that caused their fall from the Heaven also impact to their music? Simply, were they enfants terribles of celestial music? Or rather they were turned back to the future and involuntary exposed to the storm blowing from Paradise, as Walter Benjamin wrote poetically (in his essay On the Concept of History; 1940)? "Fallen Angels' Music" arose from this kind of tempting questions as well as from our desire to examine the very essence of musica diabolica (not to be mistaken with the famous tritone diabolus in musica). Anyway, Space is space is space and Sound is sound is sound. In these connections the Vespers by Alvin Lucier comes to our minds.
- Zsolt Sörés a.k.a. Ahad/Jozef Cseres a.k.a. HEyeRMEarS
Zsolt Sörés:
Born in Budapest, Hungary in 1969. Lives and works in Budapest. Musician, intermedia artist and writer
Jozef Ceres:
Born in Nové Zámky, Slovakia in 1961. Lives and works in Brno, Czech Republic and Nové Zámky. Aesthetician, intermedia artist, curator. Supported by Slovak Institute Vienna.