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Max Moswitzer: Metaverse Inside [Boxed_v0.02]

26.11.2010 to 21.01.2011

Max Moswitzer: Metaverse Inside [Boxed_v0.02]


Max Moswitzer: Metaverse Inside [Boxed_v0.02] Max Moswitzer: Metaverse Inside [Boxed_v0.02]

Max Moswitzer: Metaverse Inside [Boxed_v0.02]

Finissage in 3D (VR): Wed, Jan 19, 21:00 - 23:00 
Duration: Nov 26 to Jan 21 2011
Opening hours: 10:00-22:00
Free admission


Max Moswitzer teaches at Digital Art Department/University of Applied Arts Vienna
and Game Design/Zhdk Swizzerland


Max Moswitzer - Metaverse Inside [Boxed_v0.02] 2010 | Installation

Electronic avatars first arise in the most primitive form as moving cursor on the grid screen, when that screen becomes networked with other screens. The cursor on the user\'s screen opens a mouse hole into the unified power grid. Through the moving cursor we see the mind of a human subject revealed, who navigates information. The seed of this avatar is the potential of cyberspace, to mix information, intersubjectivity and real-time communication.

Michael Heim, 2001, The avatar and the power grid

Finissage in 3D (VR), Wed, Jan 19, 21:00 - 23:00 
From the 17th of January on you will have access to a Virtual World using an Avatar. Inside this world the Finissage in 3D is going to take place.

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(c) Max Moswitzer

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