01.10.2010 to 03.12.2010
ron stockinger / rosa atom
ron stockinger / rosa atom
Duration: Oct 1st - Dec 3rd, daily 10am-10pm
Place: V_port, Electric Avenue, quartier21
ron stockinger [rosa atom] lives & works as a cross-media artist in Vienna & Timisoara, Romania. Started as an autodidact in 1981 in the field of photography, professionally centering on and around advertising & press.
In 2009, after a 15 year break from picture making, he revived his activity and readjusted towards filming within the domain of digital arts. Besides the initial focus on (uncommented) portraits of musicians within the specific field of free improvisation, most of his current work is done without a script -choreography free- and carried out in public space.\r\n
Installation at V_port
Video exhibition - consisting of sequences & loops as well as still photography .. showing (‘natural\') snapshots interplaying with (rationally conscious - therefor ‘artificial\') creation.
(c) ron stockinger