17.09.2010 to 17.09.2010
SUBOTRON electric MEETING : Going Forward in the Backward Direction

SUBOTRON electric MEETING : Going Forward in the Backward Direction
Datum: Fr 17.09., 19h
Ort: Raum D / quartier21, Electric Avenue
With each new generation of video games, we see increases in technology, game mechanic complexity, and new styles of play. However, what happens if we take the toys of the past and turn them into game controllers? Or take the newest and most modern game controllers and start applying them to the relics of video game history.
"Going Forward in the Backward Direction" is an effort to apply the fun of yesterday to the technology of today, and to take the control and environmental elements that makes video games interesting today and rewind them to see what new elements can be added to history. This talk will outline the projects already created and currently in development, including an overview of the technologies used and new game mechanics created.
From self-reconfiguring miniature golf and kite pong to haptic Super Glove Ball and tetris that serves you alcohol, these projects strive to answer the question "how can we reuse fun?".
Ein Vortrag des ehemaligen Artist-in-Residence des quartier21 Kyle Machulis (Berkeley, CA/USA)
SUBOTRON electric MEETING : Veranstaltungsreihe zur Theorie von Computerspielen
(c) Conor Lawless