11.06.2010 to 12.09.2010
Tour of “Fish and Chips Twice Please?!”
Tour of \"Fish and Chips Twice Please?!\"\r\n
Date: on appointment
Venue: Freiraum q21
The fashion exhibition in freiraum quartier21 INTERNATIONAL
presents contemporary British fashion design by Charlie Le
Mindu, Craig Lawrence, Louise Gray, Piers Atkinson, Dashing
Tweeds, Scott Ramsay Kyle, Louise Armstrup, Nicholas Kirkwood, Alexis Knox, Noki et al. Guides conduct tours of this exhibition featuring recent design creations, photographs, installations, and visuals.
Length: approx. 50 min
Price per group: € 65.00
For information and registration contact +43/1/523 58 81 1717 or ehajek@mqw.atwww.quartier21.at