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SCHAURAUM Angewandte: robococo - Petra Gemeinböck und Rob Saunders (AUS): In-Between Spaces

09.06.2010 to 27.07.2010

SCHAURAUM Angewandte: robococo - Petra Gemeinböck und Rob Saunders (AUS): In-Between Spaces


SCHAURAUM Angewandte: robococo - Petra Gemeinböck und Rob Saunders (AUS): Zwischenräume SCHAURAUM Angewandte: robococo - Petra Gemeinböck und Rob Saunders (AUS): Zwischenräume

robococo - Petra Gemeinböck and Rob Saunders
(Lecturer in Digital Media at University of New South Wales)
Title: In-Between Spaces | 2010
Opening: 8.6.2010 - 7 p.m.
Duration: 9.6.2010 - 27.07.2010, 10:00 - 22:00

The installation Zwischenräume embeds a group of autonomous robots into the walls of the Showroom Angewandte. They punch holes through the walls to inspect what\'s outside, signal each other, and conspire. As if the walls had ears and a hammer to pierce holes for their eyes to see. The work develops a political relationship between the stealthy invasion of digital surveillance and urban combat tactics in which soldiers are literally instructed to walk through private walls.

The installation manifests this relationship in an autonomous sculptural process that marks and wounds our environment, leaving behind open scars. Yet the scenario also unfolds its own irony-compelled to survey all that\'s happening outside the robots continue to punch holes until they eventually un-wall the wall and thus unveil themselves. Combat tactics meets Gordon Matta-Clark.

Text: Gemeinböck/Saunders


(c) robococo

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