22.01.2010 to 23.01.2010
Anyone who wants to can come
Anyone who wants to can come.
A Gender Parody of and with Barbara Kraus
Datum: 22.01. bis 23.01., 8.30 pm
Ort: TQW Studios
Tickets & Info: Tanzquartier Wien: Tel.: +43/1/581 35 91 or www.tqw.at
Concept, Performance: Barbara Kraus
Performance: Audience
Dramaturgy: Christian Suchy
Space, Lighting: Paul Horn
Sound, Video: Christina Kraus
Production: dasschaufenster
Futurists, Dadaists, Surrealists have already converted their performances into variety shows, political gatherings or parties. To be celebrated in the form of a gender parody is the revival of \"Anyone who wants to can come\", Barbara Kraus\'s legendary \"cult classic\". A reunion with strange, mysterious figures, as if they were the perfect embodiment of a split personality - always on the edge of its own dissolution, which nevertheless, or better precisely because of this, always emotionally inescapably relate to the \"here and now\".
Inszenierung von \'Weiblichkeit\'
Date: Jan 22 to Jan 24
Venue: TQW Studios
The University of Vienna Wien organizes the interdisciplinary congress Inszenierung von ‚Weiblichkeit‘. Zur Konstruktion von Körperbildern in der Kunst from Jan 22 to Jan 24 in the TQW Studios. In this context and in the frame of the performance Wer will kann kommen (Anyone who wants to can come) there will take place an artist\' discussion with the choreographer and performer Barbara Kraus on Jan 23 at 4.30 pm.