19.10.2009 to 23.10.2009
Bruno Caverna (BRA/NOR) & Marcela Giesche (GER/NED) - Workshop

Bruno Caverna (BRA/NOR) & Marcela Giesche (GER/NED) - Workshop
Date: Oct 19 to Oct 23, Mon through Fri 6 pm-9 pm
Venue: TQW Studios
Dancing outside the Box
As artists we are accepted and given freedom to conceive and perform our poetic \"criminalities\" - often questioning and subverting the normal - provided it is done at the appropriate time and place. Strangely enough, both acclamation and aversion might be expressed by the same audience towards the very same behavior seen on the stage versus in the street. It is a surprising realization that this apparent inconsistency is formed only by the contexts of time and space, without responding directly to the actual expression itself. Are you content to find your inevitable artistic expression confined to a \"boxed\" reality, provided and dictated by the society?
The research will be grounded on extensive physical as well as mental explorations - both in and outdoors. By raising awareness and encouraging the examination of habitual patterns, conditioned perceptions, and rational concepts of any nature, participants will be invited to experience a state in and outside the studio that can take them safely beyond their imagined limits. Liberating ourselves from any obligation to either physical or mental rules, we are seemingly left in a void; where only awareness of the moment through our five sensory organs remains. This unfamiliar and possibly intimidating landscape, can in fact provide an extremely fertile terrain for new discoveries - where the \"naked\" body itself is trusted in creation. What is left is an unknown artist - without name and accreditations to rely on - trapped, yet free, in the continual \"play\" of this world.
Bruno Caverna has a vast background of capoeira, contemporary dance, acrobatics, contact-improvisation and qi gong. Caverna has been researching extensively, over the last 15 years, ways of combining and integrating principles/elements derived from those art-forms into an unique style. He has been invited to share his particular dance approach among the major schools, festivals and dance companies in Europe such as: ImPulsTanz, Ultima Vez/Wim Vandekeybus, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts du Cirque - France, etc.
Marcela Giesche studied dance and choreography at the Rotterdamse Dansacademie and The Ohio State University where she received her BFA. In the Netherlands she has danced with Bianca Van Dillen and Beppie Blankert, in Germany with Neuer Tanz (VA Wölfl), a dance theater company in Düsseldorf. She has also been developing her own research in movement improvisation and choreography. A training of heightened sensory awareness and the use of strong imagery are the foundation of her desire to create a free and spontaneous mind-body connection. Simply by changing the way we perceive ourselves and our relation to the outside world, we can enter into transformative and highly creative state of mind. Dance is what happens when we let our imagination run away with our bodies!
© David Bergé