25.04.2009 to 25.04.2009
Samstag 25. April 09, 19:00
Veranstaltungsreihe zur Theorie von Computerspielen 2009
im Museumsquartier / quartier 21 / Raum D, 1070 Wien
Die Vorträge finden im Raum D, dem Veranstaltungsraum des Quartiers für Digitale Kultur (QDK) am Ende der Electric Avenue statt.
Eintritt frei !
Steffen P. Walz is a consultant and conceptual designer for cross-media and interactive entertainment products and prototypes. Walz earned his M.A. degree in cultural anthropology, rhetoric, and political science at the University of Tübingen, Germany. He is a research associate with the ETH Zurich’s CAAD group and a fellow of the ACTlab at the University of Texas at Austin, USA. Recently, he has completed his doctoral degree in CAAD from the ETH Zurich.
Walz is co-editor of “Space Time Play. Computer Games, Architecture and Urbanism: The Next Level”, published by Birkhäuser/Springer in 2007 and according to German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung “one of the books of the year”. He is a Forum Nokia Champion as well as co-founder of the B.A. Game Design study program at the Zurich University for the Arts (ZHdK), and a price winner of the International Bauhaus Award 2002 for his pioneering serious pervasive game “M.A.D. Countdown”.
He lectures about, heads workshops, and publishes on topics such as serious & pervasive game design, the relationship of space-time & games, convergent entertainment, the history of entertainment architecture, media rhetoric, as well as surveillance & games. Since 2000, his firm playbe has been consulting for design agencies (e.g. Pixelpark, 21Torr), Fortune 500 enterprises, and institutions concerning convergent and cross media entertainment concepts, and business endeavours. With his other company, playbe records, and under the pseudonym ‘Steffen Strom’, Walz has been experimenting with alternative music distribution games, landing a massive Internet hit in Germany in the summer of 2005. Before his entry into the IT realm, Walz used to serve as a TV format developer, producer, and a satire journalist for major TV stations such as PRO7, arte, and RBB (then: ORB).
Oliver Schürer Dr, DI: Kurator, freier Autor, Redakteur, Assistent am Fachbereich Architekturtheorie, Institut für Architekturwissenschaften der TU Wien. Zahlreiche Publikationen im In- und Ausland mit Fokus auf digitale Technologie und Ökonomie im Kontext von Architektur. Gemeinsam mit Gernot Tscherteu gründete er 2005 die ‘Media Architecture Group’ mit dem Ziel die Entwicklung von Medienfassaden als neues urbanes Massenmedium mitzugestalten. Seit 2006 ist er Visiting Researcher am Lehrstuhl CAAD an der ETH Zürich. Dort gründete er gemeinsam mit Georg Vrachliotis 2007 den Forschungsschwerpunkt Techniktheorie der Architektur. Sein momentanes Forschungsthema: ‚Die Kybernetisierung der Architektur’.